My Drs said the hair on the back of my head will come back. He did say it may not be the same as it was, probably finer/thinner. My wife says I have some hair back there no, but it is baby fine type hair.

I'm not quite 2 weeks out; I've been eating by mouth a little more and more each day. I started with oats and soup. Yesterday I had some egg noodles with cheese sauce. I still have pain/discomfort in my throat; I pray that goes away soon. I haven't gained any weight back, but I'm drinking the Carnation VHC shakes too. I hope that helps gain weight. I lost 14 lbs since I started and want to gain most of that back.

I think the Drs here in TX will release me next week to travel back to my home in GA. I have my PEG tube scheduled to come out next Wed. What do you think? I'm a little nervous about getting it out even though I don't use it much any more. I still don't have any taste, do you have any taste?

Tim Stoj
60 yr old. Dx Jun 06 with BOT Stage IV. Neck dissesction on 19 Jun 06. Started Tx on 21 Aug 06/completed 33 IMRTs and 3 CT (2 Cisplat & 1 Carboplat) on 5 Oct 06.