Hey everyone, its been a long time since i have been on here, hope everyone is doing good! I have a question, I want to remove my tube ( because i am EATING now and drinking on my own ) laugh my stitch that held it in place broke the other day, and it seems like it is coming out anyways on its own...its getting longer, my question is, how long is this tube? Can i pull it out? Why is it starting to make my stomach sore? Why is my stomach seeping weird stuff from around the tube? I go into the doctors tomarrow, but i would rather pull it, than let someone else do it, haha yep im a baby, it just scares me if someone else even barely touches it!!! So has anyone pulled their own out before? Oh and for another subject, there is a nother question, i have had my CT's and my blood work, i quess to see if they got this or what??? I dont understand what they are suppose to be seeing here, cause when they discovered the cancer it wasnt by the CT's or the Pet's or the bloodwork, it was by surgery cause the other things didnt show anything, so what makes them so sure it would show up now on them? Just a little concerned i quess and confused????