I am living proof that you can eat almost nothing but cans of Ensure for 13 months and stay alive. But I had horrible mucocitis from the radiation in the times before IMRT. I think that some of my slow healing had to do with the fact that, while the cans of Ensure had a balance of nutrition on the label, there are certainly micro nutrients that are not there, and even when it comes to something as simple as protein...which in Ensure comes from soy, not all proteins are created equal and they vary in the amino acids they provide as well. So since I am not a nutritionist, I will not try to go into the minutia of all this. But there is a difference between sustaining life and actually thriving. Since you can actually eat, which many cannot, I would think that you would be enjoying the leap out of cans and back into real food. It can't really be a matter of you are too lazy to do this...

I LOVE eating now. Sure it's limited and I could no more eat a hamburger than shove a Mac truck into my mouth. But of the things that I find that I can eat, I really savor them after going so long with out the enjoyment of their textures, subtle flavor differences, and exploring and finding new stuff that does fit my capabilities. I wouldn't ever want to distil this enjoyment down to the simplest possible thing, even if I could get it out of a single pill each day. Along with beautiful women, great friends, and challenging discourse with people of a different opinion that I can learn from... eating is one of life's great pleasures.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.