All of this driving chatter has brought tears of laughter to my eyes and my heart. No matter what, I will treasure the days and miles we traveled together good and bad because of the following: Slow traffic gave us time together that busy schedules and life simply never gave us before, every red light meant we had a few more minutes before the table bolt down began, the drive home and relief after gave us a chance to lighten up and continue our count down calendar. Now that life is "normal" again and I am back to work, treatments are over, I really do miss our drive time. Good or bad it was OUR time without anyone poking, prodding, bolting down, zapping. Just blaring horns, red lights, selective finger usage and time to chat and support each other. Good and bad, there was never a single day that Pat did not and has not told me how much he appreciates what I have done and do for him. Now, Kathy, I am so glad that Kevin has a supportive team that has gone above and beyond for him, did the humidifier help? Question for all of you, for the first time tonight I took a flashlight and looked into Pats mouth, the Diflucan (thank you Kathy it was a fungus) has healed his throat but he was still left with the sore on his tongue so the doctor prescribed Kenalog , a dental gel. Soooooooooooo tonight I helped him put it on the sore since it is so far back. HOLY BATMAN!!! He has a hole in his tongue! Has anyone gone through that, is that the treatment that is most effective or is there another avenue that we should be looking into. Feeling cold hearted in thinking when he said his tongue was sore, I was thinking Cancer Sore type sore. Advice?

Debbie, caregiver to Pat my loving husband of 32 years. T1
N2a M0 squamous cell carcinoma of the left base of tongue. Started on concurrent cisplatin and radiation, first
cycle was 09/26/2011, 35 rad, 2 chemo. Last Rad 11-11-11 at 1!!!!