Hi Deb,
I don't understand why they didn't jump on the low counts. That should really be addressed to your medical oncologist. He shouldn't be having a fever at all, I wouldn't think. I'm not a doc though. Kevin got the Neulasta with each Cistplatin tx.
I'm glad Pat didn't get burns on the outside of his neck. Kevin STILL has open sores there, though they are almost gone. We figure 1 more week and he should be bandage free.
We also had our Cistplatin before radiation, then Erbitux with radiation. I think it's interesting how different docs handles things.
I think I also told you Kev has pretty much eaten eggs everyday. Not softboiled though, we scrambled them and added a little cheese.
It sounds like getting out is a good idea. Just remember to be proactive about the low counts. I hope you have fun tomorrow!!!

Kathy wife/caregiver to:
Kevin age:53
Dx 7/15/11
Non smoker, casual drinker
7/27/11 Cistplatin, taxotere,5FU 2/3week sessions, followed by IMRT 125cgy x 60 (2x daily) w/Erbitux weekly. Last rad 10/26/11. Last Erbitux 10/27/11
PEG placed 9/1/11 Removed 11/8/11
Clear PET 10/12 and 10/13 and ct in 6/14