Before you know it he will be back home and ready to relax with his bride :-) Hang in there. The colony is still breaking up so back to coughing and spitting up unidentifiable gunk, but that's a good thing. Get it all out! We have a routing next Tuesday at Moffit for bloodwork and the Oncologist so we will ask him about the PET and get a second opinion too. We certainly do not need any false alarms. He is still going through the what if's. Is there a standard time for follow up PET scans? They have not talked about or scheduled a CT.

Debbie, caregiver to Pat my loving husband of 32 years. T1
N2a M0 squamous cell carcinoma of the left base of tongue. Started on concurrent cisplatin and radiation, first
cycle was 09/26/2011, 35 rad, 2 chemo. Last Rad 11-11-11 at 1!!!!