How did the scope go? Pat is wondering now how long the sore throat will continue. He does pretty good for the most part, but, towards the evening and sometimes during the day it starts to tighten up and still no night time snacking. His weight was going down to a concerning amount but Sundays trip turned on a switch and he is looking better and healthier. Still plagued by a sore on his tongue but we went to the nurse practitioner yesterday for regular check up's and she said it does not appear to be infected. I know everyone is different but just wanting to know about the throat soreness length of time.

Debbie, caregiver to Pat my loving husband of 32 years. T1
N2a M0 squamous cell carcinoma of the left base of tongue. Started on concurrent cisplatin and radiation, first
cycle was 09/26/2011, 35 rad, 2 chemo. Last Rad 11-11-11 at 1!!!!