Yep everything you said and all the suggestions are on the money with what Ron went thru also. He did pull his feeding tube out twice, the last time it stayed out so he head none during radiation. He also had me going nuts with not eating or even trying because of the pain, I cried he had lost so much weight he looked like he was starved near death. BUT he hung in there he also didn't have any chemo. But maybe that is why he is getting chills, he has an infection which is one of the bummers that go with the chemo if I'm correct. But excellent is that Carnation Instant Breakfast very high in calories and the one Christine suggested also. Hang in there, the light at the end of the tunnel is coming soon.

CG to Ron
Out of Pain 4/3/13
4/12-lung and under chin growth no treatment
1/13/12 lung biopsy
6/11 recur 6/30 resection #2 Clear margins
Clear 12/10
Surg 5/13/10 neck dis/nodes part gloss/flap R thigh all teeth out
RAD 30 8/10
DX 4/2/10 "Oral Cavity" T3NOMO
12/28/07 Non Hodg Lymph remission 7/08
passed away 4.3.15, RIP Ron, you are greatly missed