
I am sorry I have been off line for a while. I have missed your comments. Michael completed his radiation treatments on 12/5/06. They said he did very well. The nurse actually said he did better than most people with getting through it all. It has been so nice not having to go every day - twice per day for the last couple weeks. He lost the most weight of a one week time span in his second week post treatment, but not a huge amount - 7 pounds, but by 12/27/06 when he saw the oncologist he had actually gained almost 3 pounds back.

Michael had his first follow-up appointment on 12/27/06 and the doctor told him he is looking great and the nurse again commented that he is amazing at the rate he seems to be recovering. He goes for his first CT scan on 1/23/07 and will have his first PET / CT scan in March or April. We are both trying not to worry too much about these, but just enjoy the good days. He still seems to feel much better in the mornings and at about 3:00 or 4:00 PM he feels worse and his hardest meal to eat is dinner. He did actually eat a steak on Friday evening and got it all down. He wanted another one last night and it wasn

Barbara S
C/G to Michael age 64, stage 1 base of tongue SC cancer and a stage one for a couple lymph nodes, diagnosed 09/12/06, IMRT radiation 10/24/06 to 12/05/06 , last PET / CT scan 11/7/11 - still cancer free!!!