
Good news / bad news today re: Michael. Bad news is that he is second guessing the rationale for the treatment twice per day the last two weeks of radiation. He wants to do a major interrogation of the doctor tomorrow about that. The thing I have heard is that there is a higher "cure rate" with the tx twice per day at the end. He is just feeling really tired and miserable already and doesn't want it to get worse. I just hope he will agree to go along with it. He does like the doctor so hopefully he will help convince him.

The good news is he has been eating more yesterday and today and I think, if our scale is right, he has actually gained a couple pounds.
We tried Carnation instant Breakfast and he thought that was too sweet. I assume the VHC is somewhat different? He also really doesn't like milk now. I thought about trying soy milk since that is what is in Boost I guess and that seems to be the most tolerable right now.


Barbara S
C/G to Michael age 64, stage 1 base of tongue SC cancer and a stage one for a couple lymph nodes, diagnosed 09/12/06, IMRT radiation 10/24/06 to 12/05/06 , last PET / CT scan 11/7/11 - still cancer free!!!