
Please detail his Tx protocol. It's helpful when answering. Where is he being treated?

Forget the taste. We all loose it around the 2nd to 3rd week of rad. Mine still hasn't come back to normal and I am told it may be many more months before that happens.

I was sensitive to cold early on and drank my Ensure Plus room temp until I found the Carnation VHC which I also drank room temp until the cold didn't bother me.

It's very important the you make sure he stays the course with his daily water and "food". Falling behind will get him into trouble real fast.

I did not have a tube at the recommendation of my docs. It wasn't fun but there are problems either way you go. I did find that the VHC helped me a lot because I had to drink less to get the same cals.

There were several periods of my Tx that sleep was a problem. The worse was when I was loosing my salava and I was just producing the thick stuff. I would wake up choaking all the time. I really didn't like taking any of the pills they prescribed and I don't remember any pills for sleep problems.

As his Tx continues, your husband will experience many more side effects depending upon his Tx. Don't hesitate to post often. You also will play a very important role and there is a Caregivers section that can be very valuable to you.

Good luck to the both of you.


Age 58 at Dx, HPV16+ SCC, Stage IV BOT+2 nodes, non smoker, casual drinker, exercise nut, Cisplatin x 3 & concurrent IMRT x 35,(70 Gy), no surgery, no Peg, Tx at Moffitt over Aug 06. Jun 07, back to riding my bike 100 miles a wk. Now doing 12 Spin classes and 60 outdoor miles per wk. Nov 13 completed Hilly Century ride for Cancer, 104 miles, 1st Place in my age group. Apr 2014 & 15, Spun for 9 straight hrs to raise $$ for YMCA's Livestrong Program. Certified Spin Instructor Jun 2014.