
I am speechless! I just read your message to me and my heart is so sad for you. What an awfully sad situation for you. I can only imagine how difficult that was for you. I am so sorry for the loss of your mom also. I am happy to hear that your husband is ok. Mandi, thank you for taking the time to write to me with your kind words of support. IT is nice to know that my anger and my feelings are normal. You have no idea how much that helped me tonight. I am already getting angry at family knowing that my father sister and I wont be invited anywhere this holiday season and the fact that most of my relatives have not called or visited my mom at the graveside. I guess I cant expect too much, then I wont be hurt and angry. BUt I expect that in hard times, family should step up,...and they have not!!! Sometimes, I feel so alone. But thankful, I have a great twin sister and father and we help each other. It is so hard. I just wonder why people dont call and ask how you are. My recent friends have been so thoughtful and more caring than some of my family. That is what hurts so much. But I try and deal with the anger. SO thank you for sharing that this is normal.

Regarding your husband and mother, isnt life just amazing and strange at times. I even find myself getting angry at God for taking away my best friend, my mom. It sucks! It trult does....BUt I am hopeful that in time, I will feel better. What I find so hard is that unconditional love from a mother could never be matched by anyone else in my life, or ever in my life. I feel just awful and crying as I type this. This just is so hard.. I probably should get some therapy or grieve counseling but I am so busy with my career and everything, that I have not even had time to look into it.

Thank you again Mandi.

God Bless

Stephany.Daughter of mother who passed away 3/26/05 from Recurrent Gum Squamous Cell Carcinoma. She had 3 surgeries, and 6 weeks radiation, and then passed due to infection. I miss her very much. She was 65 years young when she passed. Love you Mom!