Thank you DaniO and August!

As ususal, more good advice that much appreciated. My daughter and I are spending the week end together with other family. This is our month of birthdays. Including Five generations born in my immediate family born on October 28, 29 or 30. We are very family oriented and demonstrative.... Lots of hugs and I love you's.... family events --- coming together cooking personal specialties, etc. So my adventure couldn't have started at a better time..

Don't think a general announcement would be appropriate.... But opportunities to pull a few aside or arrange for "tea time".

You are right my husband IS wonderful and I am grateful and blessed! This emotional rollercoaster is playing havic with me. Fear, Anger, anxiety regroup and repeat the cycle.

August, thanks for sharing your experience with Palatal surgery. Most posts have involved people with Tongue or other cancers of the lower mouth. So you're experience may have similarities in what's to come for me.

The common theme here is the 'Adventure' as you appropriately called it.. will take us to unknow places and require us to climb seemingly insurmountable mountains...

But with the support and information I find here, and of course that of our families... we make it through..

Please take care of yourselves... Remember me in your prayers I will you.
