Hello JAM and Rolf!

Thank you, thank you, and thank you again. I feel connected to some very special people. You are each in the midst of tremendous challenges. But your positive, supportive feed back means the world to me.

My husband is wonderful and has/will walk through this with me. He is however too emotionally involved (and as clueless as I me) to provide the support offered here. I'll encourage him to join the forum.

Rolf, thank you for your offer to share more details. And I agree that I should wait until I get further evaluation and details on my conditon and recommended options. My tendency to speculate is driving me a bit mad. It runs the spectrum from my cancer being localized and "relatively" simple excision... to... Is the sensation in my ear signs that it's spread to areas of my head? Will it be so extensive that I need facial reconstruction?

But I'm an optimist by nature. So I haven't even entertained the possiblity that the cancer is inoperable/untreatable or can only be temporarily repressed.

I can't discuss these thoughts with my husband. While, I'm so blessed to have someone that loves me and to whom I am the center of his life. He is quite fearful and more of a pecimist.

I'm 54 (55 at the end of October). My Family I haven't told yet. It includes one daughter, a son (step) and five grandchildren. Three siblings and my parents - Mom 82 today! and Daddy 84. And now I know people who care from as far away as UK!

So... I am blessed beyond mention.

I work in the technology field and am in the midst of a major project. I'm able to say that IT and Work is suddenly of little importance to me as I move through the next few days, weeks, etc. Life is to be lived one day at a time.

I'm off to celebrate my Mom's birthday. I will be in touch later. ...and looking forward to your feedback.

Rolf my appointment with the OM Team and further testing is 10/10. I'll have more details to share after that.

Thanks and it's great to MEET YOU!!!
