Nelie, Rolf and Eileen:

I couldn't wait to get home to see what messages awaited me here at OCF. And was not disappointed. You all are like a life line. Here I'm able to speak with survivors, people who HAVE come to terms with horrendous news and are fighting back. This is what I need right now. Regardless of the prognoses. You're proof that life can and will go on.

I spent yesterday with my family for my Mother's Birthday and it was a great day. But its hard knowing I have info that will cause them major distress. Yesterday we laughed, remembered so many hilarious times. It was a great day!

I find that I welcome distractions to stop my random thoughts. Even the flat tire I had when I left work tonight... laugh

Thank you for your replies. Your advise is so appreciated and it's like you read my mind. I do intend to talk to my daughter, best friend, siblings and my parents. I just want to have more concrete info when I do. Eileen, I'm sure I will wait to tell my parents especially with all they already have to deal with. My Dad is very protective. I know it depresses him to be wheelchair bound and to not be able to take some action for his children when life's realities hit.

Rolf, I can handle 'removal of the soft tissue'. I do so want more great days. May have to get through some difficult ones. But I trust there are more good ones in store. I hope you're feeling well too. I'm sure I'll have questions for you tomorrow.

Thank you all again. I'll let you know what I find out tomorrow.

Have a great night.
