Hi Gloria,

I'm sorry to hear about your husbands esophagus. I've noticed that I have more trouble swallowing water as time goes on and have persistant, naging cough because saliva gets stuck in one spot in my throat. I think it started from trach damage and the radiation is making it worse. Since radiation, the swelling of my tongue and the floor of my mouth, along with the bad taste made my decision to have a PEG tube installed. I started losing weight once this PEG was installed. Bosst VHC helped slow down the weight loss but, I found a product that's great for people going through this. It's Scandi shake mix. It can be purchased at Walmart on line. My wife combines them with some of the high calorie Hungry Man TV dinners and with canned chicken, kayro syrup, canned chicken, sweet  potatoes, yogurt, etc. She makes it in three meals per combination. I get three meals out of it that are around 800 calories each and loaded with protein. Unfortunately, it was a recent find. Fortunately, my weight is holding and increasing slightly now. I would recommend it to anyone who needs to add weight.


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