To anyone interested I'm not advocating that anyone do this but it's something that worked for me. The cancer pain on my tongue doesn't respond well to most pain meds. I use lidocaine on it directly, which works but only for a short time. If I swallow it, it also numbs my throat which I don't want. I'm in a state where I can use medical marijuana. I watched a YouTube video by Rick Simpson who said to put THC oil directly on a lesion for pain relief. I got some THC oil and tried it. It works better than Lidocaine and lasts longer. Just a little drop is enough to keep the pain away for about 4 to 6 hours. It is also good to increase appetite. Unfortunately, it will get you high so I only use a little at a time except in the evening. Then I take more to kill the pain and it helps me sleep. It's made my life more bearable by decreasing the pain throughout the day.

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