Monday - All is going well. The swelling is beginning to diminish around the incision site. The native tongue is still 4 times the size it should be. Reg is now doing bolus feedings with the NG tube. I spoke with the dietician this moorning and she is on board with getting 2500 calories a day in him and 48 oz of hydration. However, is output isn't that great so they have stopped the IV for now. I think they need to up the lasix to 40 mg. a day. Will speak to the team tonight at rounds. We walked twice today and sat in the chair for awhile. The walking is pretty painful at the site where the flap was harvested. But at least he's up and moving. A pretty uneventful day. I'll take a few of those.

Bette/CG to husband Reggie 66

dx 1: SCC Soft Palate (12/06)
tx: chemo and rad

dx 2: SCC 6 cm tum rt. vocal chord (12/09)
tx: total laryngectomy with stoma, 2 nodes

dx 3: SCC 4 cm tum BOT (10/16/12)
Tx: partial gloss w/ mod deck dis 4 nodes incl. part. pharyngectomy