It is 1:30 pmm. pacific time. Just got back to the hotel for the first time since the surgery began. What a day and night...So the surgery started late (of course) had to make us wait just a little bit longer. 10:37 a.m. First surgeon who did the excising and disecting finished at 3:00. I talked to him around 4 and he told me that 75% of the tongue had to be taken, mostly on the right side all the way to the tip. The tip is gone. Some of the left side was also removed. He also removed a portion of the pharynx and a portion of the right soft palate. Dr. Wang cut to clear margins. They also took 4 nodes but won't know that status until next week from path. Dr. Knott, the reconstructive surgeon this morning was very pleased with the outcome. The doppler sounds from the transplanted vessels and artery are strong so that means blood is flowing ..YEAH! Reg looks like a mack truck smacked him in the face and neck a couple of times. I went to my knees when I first saw him last night in ICU. OMG what has happened... But today is a new day and some of the swelling has subsided although it will return in the next 3 days. He is awake and off the ventilator, breathing on his own. He is responding quite well with the communication board they provide and also the white board that I took to the hospital. He is extremely swollen and black and blue. There for awhile the doc thought they might have to put in a bigger drain since he wasn't draining as well as he should have been, however, since he is off the propophal, his drains are draining better because he is more active in the bed. Also his BP is much better since weaning from the propophal. He is mouthing words even with a tongue 4 times it's normal size.
We have a long way to go but already have been through half the journey. I am positive that Reg is on the road to being cancer free again.
Oh also, there could more rad and chemo in the near future. I think it would be wise. Opinions please.....
Last edited by Bette; 12-06-2012 03:11 PM.