7:40 pm - Reg is now getting nutrition through the NG in his nose. Meds are minnimal, however still trying to find good pain management. drains are working full throttle now so not so much blood pooling under his chin. Tonight I sleep. I think he will be okay until the morning. They are getting him up first thing. Night all.

Last edited by Bette; 12-06-2012 08:52 PM.

Bette/CG to husband Reggie 66

dx 1: SCC Soft Palate (12/06)
tx: chemo and rad

dx 2: SCC 6 cm tum rt. vocal chord (12/09)
tx: total laryngectomy with stoma, 2 nodes

dx 3: SCC 4 cm tum BOT (10/16/12)
Tx: partial gloss w/ mod deck dis 4 nodes incl. part. pharyngectomy