Sunday - They removed the drain from his leg where they took the flap this morning. The team meentioned that he could go home in a couple of days,I don't think they realize we live 4 1/2 hours from the hospital. But it would be nice. I miss my bed. Now that he has a private room I was able to spend the night in the hospital with him. Reggie seems a little depressed and we discussed that last night. Maybe some meds would be a good idea. We will see. But today is football so the day should go by pretty fast. We both enmjoy watching.. Thanks e eryone for your in sight. It is sop helpful.

Bette/CG to husband Reggie 66

dx 1: SCC Soft Palate (12/06)
tx: chemo and rad

dx 2: SCC 6 cm tum rt. vocal chord (12/09)
tx: total laryngectomy with stoma, 2 nodes

dx 3: SCC 4 cm tum BOT (10/16/12)
Tx: partial gloss w/ mod deck dis 4 nodes incl. part. pharyngectomy