(((((Thank you friends)))) I have a lot of blessings I am so very grateful for...and I will continue to stay connected to this site and especially to this cause. Oral cancer knows NO bounderies...it is an insidiouse and cruel disease. And you that know first hand the courage it takes to fight this disease are the most amazing people I have ever had contact with and I continue to keep you all close to my heart and prayers. (I'm not sure where this post should be placed...so ((Christine)))! feel free to put it where it belongs. 
caregiver to 87 yr old mother,HPV +,Using Erbitux w/little success,Hole in palate, & 3 new areas..2 in cheek, now tumor in sinus. See Rad Dr soon & will cont. w/Erbitux. PEG tube in April. Macular Degeneration--chemo finished off her sight. Mom passed away Fri nite...8/24.