Mom was to start IMRT Tues..Tmrw-Mon,was to be a trial run..with the mask & a check that everything was on point. Sat nite she started having stomach pain, didn't tell us. This morning went to feed her...terrible pain & was still in bed. Got her to the hsptl & ER Dr couldn't understand the term of "Muscle Pain"...she got angry with him & he finally ordered a CT scan...sure enough..she was right, the PEG tube had dislocated itself. We have a different oncologist who has cancelled the was doing nothing. And then saw a radiologist & seems that the radiation is a "must" for her. She commented she can't believe how fast the papilloma has spread in her mouth. She had a hole in her palate..the tumor now in her sinus cavity. Now..I guess the HPV has grown so much it's "closed" the palate hole. She can take fluids by mouth since the PEG tube is not functioning. Everyday is something new--something different. So tomorrow we cancel the radiation setup & see the surgeon. He wants to wait a couple of days to operate since the detachment site appears "angry". Feel sure radiation Dr won't start things now. Each day is different, so full of uncertainty...for a step forward it seems like two back. I come her almost everyday to learn more from all of you...Thanks SO much for being here......Jane

caregiver to 87 yr old mother,HPV +,Using Erbitux w/little success,Hole in palate, & 3 new areas..2 in cheek, now tumor in sinus. See Rad Dr soon & will cont. w/Erbitux. PEG tube in April. Macular Degeneration--chemo finished off her sight. Mom passed away Fri nite...8/24.