Jane: although I'm registered here as an OC patient, I have also been on the other side of cancer 3 times since 2007. In July 2007, I lost my little sister to breast cancer; lost my Dad to bladder cancer in May, 2009; and my bro-in-law to pancreatic cancer in April, 2010. Hospice was truly angels. I will forever donate to Community Hospice.
They are there to aid the patient AND the caregivers/family. It is certainly a hard time, but it is one you will cherish forever. Being there to assist your loved one onto the next step in life's journey. Being with my sister up to the very end, holding her hand, changed who I am as a person.
Being on the caregiver side, my own diagnoses was excruciating for me - knowing how it would be for my family. I was so angry we had to hear that word again! And so soon.
And so upset that my daughters, my sister, and my mom, etc., had to watch another family member go thru this.
But we are lucky. On both sides. Patient and caregiver. What could be better than leaving this world surrounded by your most loved people. And, though heart wrenching, you will be so glad to have been there. And I can't say enough wonderful things about Hospice.
Let me know if I can help/advise/support you as you go thru this with your mother and family.

Wendy 48@dx
Dx 2/11 stgIVSCC BOT
Dx 3/11 stgI breast (3rd of 4 sisters dx'd)
4/11 dbl mastectomy; no further tx reqd
5/11 PEG placemt;
5/11-7/11 chemox7;IMRTx35;
MRND 9/11
11/12 Dx:papilledema;hydrocephalus;psuedotumor.
11/12 LumbarPeritoneal Shunt
12/12 PEG Out; 100 lbs lost
All scans clear