Mom had trouble w/her PEG tube....put in a Foley catheter...& that did not a larger diam tube was put in & everything seems much better. If this didn't work Dr wanted to put in the GJ tube...but I don't think we'll have to do this...It was good to read from you that have had this type as to what to expect, so we know what to ask. (Her PEG tube displaced itself....she has a terrible infection between the stomach & the wall of the stomach...almost 4inches in width...we couldnt discern if it was infection, formula, both....but this 3rd tube and a day at the hsptl getting IV fluids seem to have put mom back on top of things & in more control. What an experience....and to see how quickly dehydration/malnutrition can set in) Jane

caregiver to 87 yr old mother,HPV +,Using Erbitux w/little success,Hole in palate, & 3 new areas..2 in cheek, now tumor in sinus. See Rad Dr soon & will cont. w/Erbitux. PEG tube in April. Macular Degeneration--chemo finished off her sight. Mom passed away Fri nite...8/24.