My sisters and I have learned a lot....I am so very grateful to have found this site and the wonderful people in here...We had to place mom in a nursing facility after 3 wks in the very weak...she runs fever at evening/nite time despite being on antibiotics...seems to be subsiding now's been a few evenings of no fever. She mostly sleeps now...feeding issues finally straightened again being tube fed. We have Hospice now with us...each day still has it's "surprises"...Many thanks to all of you who have helped me help my mom & sisters on this journey. I pray for all of you every day. Jane

caregiver to 87 yr old mother,HPV +,Using Erbitux w/little success,Hole in palate, & 3 new areas..2 in cheek, now tumor in sinus. See Rad Dr soon & will cont. w/Erbitux. PEG tube in April. Macular Degeneration--chemo finished off her sight. Mom passed away Fri nite...8/24.