Actually this is the best part of any treatment he has had. He only has to go for one week, possibly two. Basically he gets a facial every day for an hour. The OT is opening up and redirecting the fluid that had been pooling in the neck area. She is teaching him a series of light massages, he also sleeps with an ace bandage wrap around his neck and head. She said that anyone that goes through this should sleep elevated to prevent the fluids from pooling. That has been a tough one, but we found an inflatable wedge that goes under the mattress called Mattress Genie so I will let you know on all of it as we are done. Worst case scenario is he gets some gentle massages, and all of you on here that have been through this deserve it!!! The good news is that yesterday was his colonoscopy and everything looked fine, a couple of biopsies in the esophagus but the doctor really thinks that is nothing and said its common with someone that has had radiation to the head and neck. Onwards to the PET on February 6th,, then we will breathe! Have a great day!

Debbie, caregiver to Pat my loving husband of 32 years. T1
N2a M0 squamous cell carcinoma of the left base of tongue. Started on concurrent cisplatin and radiation, first
cycle was 09/26/2011, 35 rad, 2 chemo. Last Rad 11-11-11 at 1!!!!