We had new bloodwork and the Dr. did not seem concerned about the counts, he also gave us an all clear to have the grandbabies here for the holidays. We are still being careful but Pat has survived Walmart and just uses a lot of Germex. No comment he has had cabin fever! We are 16 days out from the last treatment, he has lost in total 20 lbs so we are working hard to get some meat back on his bones. Challenges we are still facing: Since he lost so much weight the pain patch had to be reduced, we though he was ODing and went to the ER. He is still struggling at night with eating but the fevers are gone finally. Thanksgiving he could barely eat and the next day was able to so eating is still hot and cold. We are adding things in daily and his ultimate goal is still to be able to go out for ribs! We have decided that going to a buffet will be our next step so he can experiment with different foods without wasting them. The mucous has thinned thanks to the aforementioned Pharmacist that recommended the antihistimines. Day by day now and seeing baby steps each day.

Debbie, caregiver to Pat my loving husband of 32 years. T1
N2a M0 squamous cell carcinoma of the left base of tongue. Started on concurrent cisplatin and radiation, first
cycle was 09/26/2011, 35 rad, 2 chemo. Last Rad 11-11-11 at 1!!!!