I haven't had another bout of severe headaches, but I'm now feeling the onslaught of the burning all through my mouth. My lips have taken the biggest hit, with severe dryness leading to cracking and today, my bottom lip is so ripped up it looks like it could bleed at any moment. I have an arsenal of moisturizers that are in constant use. There's one area on my bottom lip and gum directly inside that same area that really looks like it's become more irritated than other areas because of that damned styrofoam bite thingie that is ragged on that edge and presses against that area tightly while I'm under the Big Guy. I'm going to ask tomorrow if they could please file that thing down. (As the adage goes, they can send a man to the moon but... in this case, no one has come up with a more comfortable means of holding a patient's mouth steady and in place? Good grief, even horses have mouth bits that are designed to be comfortable!

Well that's my rant du jour. Always something. This certainly is a lifestyle change.

Still hanging in,