Thank you so much for your kind words...

My sister Jo came across today...Could have been because the sun was shining! we have not seen much of it for the past month or so! She still has very dry throat and is washing loads. But I tell you Charm her first glass of wine through her peg did her so good;

She is to go for a throat x-ray and swallow test in the week or so but it was good to see her make the effort to come across.

We even managed to laugh (first time for many months her old humour shone through a little) It was when she read my last post to you saying she was obsessional and deaf..she said thanks the whole world knows now...I know that this is just a small glimmer of light and normality today but I know from you all that some things will improve and some will not.

Her head is still very muzzy so she does not feel able to contribute to OCF but said she will do when she feel able to but she even admitted herself she had a good day today.

Many blessings to you all.
Love Kathie


sister diagnosed June 2010 back of tongue 30 intensive RT and 2 chemo (will confirm what stage later) finished treatment Sept 2010. Peg dependent unable to swallow. 6 teeth removed prior to treatment. HPV?