My dear sister was diagnosed with BOT and throat ca. in June 2010. Hit her and us like a thunderbolt but she was very very positive in the first three weeks..However, she had a bad reaction to chemo (one at start of treatment and one at end) plus 40 Radiotherapy sessions...She has just changed so much..Slept most of the time when she finished her treatment for quite a number of weeks..consequently do not think she did her exercises enough...She had a peg fitted before treatment started and because of her bad reaction to treatment she started using it straightaway. Will try to keep this short - She is due for her four month scan on 21st and then sees the consultant for the results of all her treatment on 27. The thing is she is quite demoralised as she cannot even swallow water yet. She was given barium but this showed nothing would go past her throat and only came back down her nose. She has been told by the speech therapist that because of the bad reaction she had to treatment and the scar tissue etc. she may from now on be peg dependent...although the ST said never say never! She has like all the lovely people on this site been through so much..can any one tell me how they coped with this as socialising has always been part of her life...She does not complain; but I would like to know if anyone out there was told the same...Thank you all so much.Kathie UK.

Last edited by 6571; 01-11-2011 04:31 PM. Reason: to add name