Hi Paul,
I appreciate you taking the time to respond to me. The area of concern on my PET scan says as follows: There is a interval increase in hypermetabolic activity involving the right posterior molar trigone region extending into the adjacent floor of the mouth and right base of tongue. Then it compares the size of a right level 2 neck node from my previous scan in April . Under impression it says there is interval worsening of active malignancy in the right neck as described as well as bilateral neck nodes. I am just having a hard time wrapping my head around how it is back only 5 months after my surgery and neck dissection. I have never smoked a day in my life, nor used tobacco products, don't drink, and was negative for HPV. Anyway, thank you so much for your kind thoughts and words.

February 2017 saw 2 different dentist for ulcer on tongue. Was told by both it was a bite
March 10 biopsy done by oral surgeon
March 17 biopsy results are keratanizing squamous cell carcinoma
May 3 partial glossectomy and right modified radical neck dissection
May 8 post op appt. given news in surgery 34 nodes removed from neck, 1 with cancer but still encapsulated and had not spread
drainage tube out and feeling pretty good!
May 26 appt. with radiation oncologist- No rads needed