I had my appointment with my surgeon last Thursday. He is scheduling me for another PET scan, which he says he normally does 3-4 months after surgery. I am still having some ear pain every once in a while and some head pain during the day. He said everything looked and felt normal as far as he could see and my neck dissection is healing up nicely and my tongue looks great. He thinks the pain might be my nerves regenerating where previously that whole side of my head was numb. I am praying that is all it is but right now stressing waiting on the call to tell me when the PET scan will be.

February 2017 saw 2 different dentist for ulcer on tongue. Was told by both it was a bite
March 10 biopsy done by oral surgeon
March 17 biopsy results are keratanizing squamous cell carcinoma
May 3 partial glossectomy and right modified radical neck dissection
May 8 post op appt. given news in surgery 34 nodes removed from neck, 1 with cancer but still encapsulated and had not spread
drainage tube out and feeling pretty good!
May 26 appt. with radiation oncologist- No rads needed