Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. I just feel very lucky and blessed to be at this point 1 week from my surgery. I am just so glad I didn't ignore the nagging feeling in my gut telling me something was wrong, even though both dentists kept insisting I was not at risk because I have never smoked and don't drink. I will be seeing the radiation oncologist sometime in the next month and as long as he agrees with my doctor I won't have anything until my next check up in August. After battling melanoma 31 years ago, and basal cell carcinoma a few years back, now squamous cell I feel like I have had the trifecta of those 3 and ready to be done lol! I am just taking it one day at a time and being grateful for each day given and thankful for each day starting to feel better. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and wish for blessings for you.

February 2017 saw 2 different dentist for ulcer on tongue. Was told by both it was a bite
March 10 biopsy done by oral surgeon
March 17 biopsy results are keratanizing squamous cell carcinoma
May 3 partial glossectomy and right modified radical neck dissection
May 8 post op appt. given news in surgery 34 nodes removed from neck, 1 with cancer but still encapsulated and had not spread
drainage tube out and feeling pretty good!
May 26 appt. with radiation oncologist- No rads needed