Update on my situation
Well yesterday I saw my surgeon who went over the results of my PET scan with my husband and I. He also put the scope in my nose and down my throat. It appears I have a new tumor at the back of my tongue. My surgeon is so bewildered by this as once again he stated he had such good clear very large margins and the pathology report after my surgery also confirmed this. At my PET scan prior to my surgery absolutely nothing showed up at all in that area of my tongue. So now I am scheduled for a biopsy on October 21 to see if this tumor is from some microscopic cells that may have broken away from the original tumor at the front of my tongue, or if I am just unlucky enough to get a 2nd different tumor only 5 months after my surgery. He said he doesn't want to do surgery on this tumor due to the location and the fact I would lose most of my tongue, have swallowing and eating issues, plus talking issues. He said this kind responds well to radiation and chemo so that is the plan. I will also have a port for my chemo and a feeding tube put in while I am out from the biopsy,
I left there and went to meet with the radiation oncologist where they fitted me for a mask. It wasn't pleasant but not as bad as I had imagined. The worse part for me was having to bite down on that wax thing in my mouth for so long as my tongue is so sore. The radiation doctor went over everything but I was so overwhelmed not sure I even heard it all. Thank goodness my husband was there to hear it. I then left there and they had squeezed me in at my primary doctor because I had to go there for bloodwork, and a EKG to be medically cleared for the biopsy. Then it was next to the radiology place to have a chest x-ray for the clearance.It was such a exhausting day and by the time we got home last night I was mentally and physically exhausted. We have to go to Las Vegas for our doctors as there are none where we live, and that is a 207 mile trip each way which makes for a very long day. On the ride home last night i kept feeling like I am in a nightmare I can't wake up from. Right now i am just feeling so down and overwhelmed. Can anyone here be kind enough to tell me what I can expect with this chemo and radiation? I just have so many questions that I have no clue about, and was not thinking straight enough yesterday to ask them. On a positive note my surgeon did give me some pain pills for this excruiating pain I have been having. he said the tumor is pressing on nerves and that's why the ear, jaw, head and throat pain. If anyone here could tell me what to expect, it will be so appreciated. My daughter wants to know if i will lose my hair, and i just want to know everything.

February 2017 saw 2 different dentist for ulcer on tongue. Was told by both it was a bite
March 10 biopsy done by oral surgeon
March 17 biopsy results are keratanizing squamous cell carcinoma
May 3 partial glossectomy and right modified radical neck dissection
May 8 post op appt. given news in surgery 34 nodes removed from neck, 1 with cancer but still encapsulated and had not spread
drainage tube out and feeling pretty good!
May 26 appt. with radiation oncologist- No rads needed