Unfortunately, our page is a little crowded. Imagine those with insufficient to no coverage and how they are treated. Or, what about those that are dropped before treatments are finished--with follow-ups we all know that it lasts a lifetime.
You explained your health care system very well and I assume that both sides have a fair amount of success and failures. I've always believed in socialized medicine, I honestly can't see how any other way is possible. As I said before, I truly believe the U.S. will be forced into it. Having said that, it will get a lot worse then it gets better. Going bankrupt to live is just not morally right...Anyone with common sense and a heart knows that it's wrong. But, when the system enables you to do horrible acts there is a buffer between those that die or are disfigured and those that are in charge. Those that make the rules don't feel it, they don't see it. I sound like a communist but I'm not. I wish everyone had compassion...empathy can be a very good thing and it seems to be lacking.
I wonder how much pull doctors have in both systems? I assume that depends on the doctor. The ball didn't get rolling until I saw my ENT. I saw him on a Monday, made appointment with RO, PET scans on Tuesday, met my MO same Tuesday, biopsy and exploratory surgery that Wednesday(and yes my ENT had the PET scan results), my ENT told me it was cancer that Wednesday. Went over everything in detail the following Monday. My ENT's office scheduled every appointment with all other specialists (except dentistry). He directed the whole process. My GF who is in the health care industry said it was quite remarkable...that her own father didn't get that kind of treatment at a major cancer center. According to a nurse I talked to, she said my ENT seems to be the "Cancer Guy" in his practice. The first time I met my RO he was with us for almost two hours going over everything in great detail, and that isn't including the time with his assistant and nurse. But with all that said, I don't know how I could have done it without my loved ones by my side.
I suppose if you have a lot of money and insurance you'll always have the best care in the world not matter what system is present. It's the average Joe/Jane that needs a helping hand.