The numbers don't help. Nothing is set in stone and there are too many variables for any of us to be thrown into one percentage or the other. You have smokers, chawers, drinkers, viruses, cheek biters, tongue chewers, dentures, rough teeth, gum diseases, chemicals...multiple causes...too much to mention, the list goes on. Sure, the obvious may give one an idea...but why go there? The most important thing is to know what is bad and what is good for your situation and live accordingly, i.e., if you smoke...STOP. Sometimes it's better just to listen do the best you can and pray for a healthy outcome.

We were getting ready to go out and my buddy says, "I'm starving to death..." His father looks at him and says, "If that was true you'd be A LOT THINNER!" Twenty years later he's still on the heavy side.

I wouldn't fret the numbers...The only one that matters is the one we're doing now...breathing.

7-16-08 age 37@Dx, T3N0M0 SCC 4.778cm tumor, left side of oral tongue, non smoker, casual drinker, I am the 4th in my family to have H&N cancer
8-13-08 left neck dissection and 40% of tongue removed, submandibular salivary gland & 14 nodes clean, no chemo, IMRTx35
11-4-08 Recovering & feeling better