Gary, I too am glad to see you back. As one of OCF's strongest FACT posters, you are a valued source of core information, besides your own experiences. Don't be a stranger around here.... or are you waiting for me to catch up with your record 1540 postings helping other people?

I can not over emphasize to the newbies here that a person like Gary, who has been around since almost the beginning of the board, who continues to come back to help strangers year after year, is an invaluable asset and an individual who like Mark and other long term givers, exhibit the highest form altruism, helping other people. It's a special kind of person that gives of something as valuable as their time to help people they will likely never even meet. This posting gives me the opportunity to once again thank they many of you who have continued to participate and offer your insights to the newcomers year after year.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.