Actually, being somewhat of a control freak, I've never enjoyed a drink. As Tom pointed out, alchohol has ceremonial and ritual uses as well in our society. I've adopted the "When in Rome" philosophy when in adult company. I figure most of the calories in a cream drink probably come from the cream. Outside of a ceremonial sip of wine or mead for a toast, I never even finish the glass. Sometimes just a dab will do ya.

No worries about the vegetables, Brian. It's just that since I'm trying mightily to put weight back on, I try to up them... like squash baked with lots of butter and brown sugar or sauteeing them in olive oil.

I've been concerned with clogging my arteries and asked my doctors if I should be worried about all the cream and fat. They assured me that at this point I probably need it at this point. I even asked the nutritionist if I should be at all concerned with all the dang ice cream I've been eating and she told me that calories are calories no matter where they come from. Just for my own piece of mind though, I've been working hard in PT on weight machines trying to build back the muscle mass I lost. Don't want to just get fat.... I want my body back FIRM not flabby.
