Dear Marica,
Thank you SO much for your e-mail. I'm not sure if Doug will be receiving amifostine. I know he will be getting some IV anti-nausea medicine drip prior to his cisplatin infusion. Also I will be giving him this medicine called kytril 3 days post chemo for nausea. I will be sure to tell him to drink and drink plenty of fluids. It's difficult for Doug to read anything about his illness or to do any research. I think his philosophy is what he doesn't know won't bother him and I'm totally the opposite. I guess that's why opposites attract. I just feel like I have to make sure he gets through this. Our kids are teenagers and I want him to see them grow up. I really really appreciate hearing from you. It gives me hope. I don't know if it's my imagination or what but I see people looking at us with pitiful eyes when they discuss my husband's case. He has already lost 20 pounds but thank God he is a big guy. Current weight is 220 lbs at 6ft 2in. I'm giving him all kinds of health shakes and he can only eat soft foods right now since he had all his teeth pulled for radiation. I'm so glad to hear Pete is doing great and I pray I'm fortunate to have the same happen. I will continue to read and find out what I can. Thank you thank you thank you and God Bless you and your family.
