Dear Virginia,

As others have said, welcome to the club that no one wants to join. I'm a caregiver to my husband too, so I know exactly how you feel right now. You are going to find a wealth of information on this site, and the people here are wonderful. It's going to give you the strength to get through this as well as be a support for your husband.

Radiation is not fun, but he will get through it! Since he hasn't started the radiation yet, I would encourage him to eat a lot of foods he really likes because he is more than likely going to lose a bit of weight before it's all said and done. My husband lost around 40 lbs and he did not need to lose weight.

Please know that we are here for you, and as you have more questions or concerns as treatment progresses, the people on this forum are here to be of support and help. I can't tell you how much they have helped me.

Take care,


Caregiver to husband, Ron. Throat cancer, Stage II. No Chemo or Surgery. Completed 35 Radiation Treatments in November 2004.