Thanks Jerry! You almost got it right.

Ponchartrain is a sauce. (See recipe above in this post). It is also a Lake. No, the water is not used in the sauce.

All -- Tomorrow is the day. I see the ENT and hopefully find out what I have. I had a good day today. I was able to get my work done without too much distraction. My wife is comming with me in the event that I can't function as a rational adult.

It's not knowing that's the worst part. I know you all have been through it. I thank you all for allowing me to ramble on about it. It seems theraputic.

I keep hoping that this is a test that I must pass to do something greater with my life. Is this a sign? I know it's not a punishment - I don't believe God does that.

I must tell you all that I am scared right now. I feel like I should be eating Superfoods to combat cancer! Something like this puts things in perspective.

Thanks for all of your support! I will check-in tomorrow.

South Louisiana - Cancerous growth removed from lip 10/07. Lesion removal & biopsy done 11/7/07 - no signs of cancer in area. PET scan done. No signs of cancer in Head & neck. Something in chest. CT to be done 12/20/07