Wow. So many replies. Well LSU finally pulled it off! They beat Alabama. For you Brits on here, LSU is Louisiana State University. They played football (American Football) Against the University of Alabama yesterday afternoon. Now the coach of Alabama used to be the coach of the Louisiana State University football team. His taking the job at Alabama did not sit well with LSU fans. Last night's game was the revenge the LSU fans were looking for.

As far as Pontchartrain sauce...I'll let someone else handle that one.

Well I think I slept well last night. I feel ok this morning. I woke up a couple of times tossing and turning. I have tried to stay busy to keep my mind off of things. It seems to be working. The best part of my day seems to be when I log on here. I enjoy reading and sharing with all of you.

I am curious... how did you all know you had this disease? What signs did yo have that made you get it checked out?

Well, now that my yard work is done, I'll have to find something to keep me busy. I guess I'll watch the Saints play Jacksonville. (For our British friends, The New Orleans Saints is a professional American football team).

Have a great day!


South Louisiana - Cancerous growth removed from lip 10/07. Lesion removal & biopsy done 11/7/07 - no signs of cancer in area. PET scan done. No signs of cancer in Head & neck. Something in chest. CT to be done 12/20/07