It absolutely is possible to swallow after a total glossectomy! I had mine done on September 4th,2019. I oddly found it easier to eat some crunchy foods before i started radiation as opposed to mashed potatoes and pudding. I found that the softer foods like those tend to stick more on my flap and were harder to get down than Doritos or in my case some Taco Bell Tostada. Don’t get me wrong it was still pretty challenging to eat the 3-4 small bites that I did but the taste was worth it. Do not be afraid to try any food you feel confident in or even just putting it in your mouth for the taste and having to spit it out is okay. It’s part of the learning process. I am currently halfway through radiation and chemo and don’t have much of an appetite but I am very hopeful to try some foods for thanksgiving! I pray your recovery continues and progresses well!