Hi Dizz,
I hope you're still doing well.
The tongue twisters thing is a great idea. I plan to look into it when he feels more up to it. Only one more week to go....
Ohhh, Ok. I see. They did the same thing with him except they used skin/tissue from his thigh instead of his abdomen. I didn't even think of that...

I knew you guys had a lot of the same things done during your surgeries so I kept thinking why would they have cut her there??. Duh... Don't know why that never even occurred to me.
Well, after the week is through, I'm not sure what the next steps will be. His burns on his neck are pretty red and he is having a lot of mucus/saliva but at least there haven't been any setbacks so once this week is done, hopefully we can begin working on getting close to a full recovery. I'm going to try to get in touch with his surgeon and find out when his next appointment will be, next steps, etc... I know he is just focused on getting through this radiation/chemo right now but I would like to at least have an idea of what to expect.
I hope you've still been able to get out and about as you like. Best wishes!