Thank you so much for writing everybody.

I have been paralyzed .... unable to respond. Hopefully, I'll be able to respond to you all individually. That is my hope.

I got the biopsy moved from June 21st to today.

Yep, today I go in for the biopsy.

I already know I have cancer, really.

Now when I stick my tongue out it leans over to the right-hand side.

The candida has responded well to the antifungal medication, but now there are white spots on the sides of the tongue and the skin has become shiny.

Dear members on this board, I must confess to you that my severe depression (for which I also self-diagnosed the type and it was confirmed by doctors) has led me not only to thoughts of suicide but to asking the universe to take me. I feel like I brought on cancer to myself by myself. I feel so guilty. And I am so sorry. I wish I could take those thoughts back. I want to live a little longer in relatively good health. I feel I sinned. I am so sorry to self. I was so miserable with depression, I felt like life was just putting in time. I am so sorry to self. So, so sorry ....