Or di I'm Absolutly heartbroken reading this x I no exactly what your feeling :(( I'm so sad for you I can only imagine what your dad is thinking x one thing I will say is just hug him my dad was so like yours never said he loved us was a mans man never wanted to trouble any one x but then became so scared and do vunerable and wanted me to lie hugging him on the bed at Christies or hold his hand ,:( I used to Tx that I loved him and he'd say it back smile xx I wish I could help you in some way but Iim hopeless I cry all the time I dream about him every night and I look for signs he's ok :(( it's awful and I can only hope your dad doesn't suffer for much longer even though you don't want to let them go it's so creul for them to live like that xxx I really feel for you my heart breaks for you and your family xxx be strong di I also couldn't cry in front of dad he hated making me upset so I think all my tears fall now every day xx I have a letter my dad wrote day before he died but it's not clear as the sedation made him wrote over the words but it says something like I'm do sorry this happened you done great something bout home and then all the best dad :(((( I wish I knew what it said I keep it with me and I just wish I could ask him :((( xxxxxx

Father 60 years old
Diagnoised oc jan 15
Peg fitted 27/2/15
Full tongue glossectomy reconstruc surge ,
Lymph nodes and glands out 5/3/15
Rt 14/5/2015