the pictures of you and Steve are beautiful, and you were both so lucky to have each other even if it should have been for a much longer time.
Please remember that Steve loved you, and he would not want you to feel guilty or bad. You did what was humanly possible to do. It is hard that you were not told when the life support would be disconnected - but maybe Steve would not have wanted you to be there. Death is an odd thing - some people want their loved ones there, others wait until they are out of the room.
I'm sorry that you were not able to come to some sort of resolution with Steve's mom. That may never happen, or it may happen years from now when you least expect it.
Please be kind to yourself - this has been a very hard road for you as well.

CG to husband - SCC Tonsil T1N2M0 HPV+ Never Smoker
First symptoms 7/2010, DX 12/2010
TX 40 IRMT (1.8 gy) + 10 Cetuximab
PET Scans 6/2011 + 3/2012 clear, 5 year physical exam clear; chest CT's clear of cancer. On thyroid pills. Life is good.