Hi Danielle,

You guys are going through a lot. Not sure what antidepressant meds he is on, but one thing that really helped me in the hospital and is helping me through radiation's Ativan (aka Lorazipam). It is an anti-anxiety drug and it really helps. You don't have to take a full pill either, if its too much just split it and see what works for him.

Hope things ease up for you guys. This is definitely journey, and all of us need to take it one step at a time. We just need reminding from time to time. I do!


11/2014 - DX SCC, S3N0M0
Non-smoker/drinker/drugs, no cancer of any kind in family, HPV negative
2/10/15 neck dissection, nodes removed (all clear), moderately differentiated mass removed from cheek & hinge of jaw, free flap graft. Clear margins. Micro infiltration into some of the vascular structures in the local area of tumor. PEG tube 1 week later
4/6/15 - Begin 40 Rads & 4 rounds Cisplatin
5/27/15 - rads & chemo complete.
12/5/15 - PET/CT clear. Watch & wait...