Hi Everyone - I have some devastating news to share - Steve passed away on April 20th. The week before he had been acting very strange. 3 trips to Moffitt and after a blood test it showed his calcium level was at almost 3x the normal rang. They admitted him to hydrate and get it under control, unfortunately he had a sever anxiety attack that night and had issues breathing. I was called by his mom to say he had coded and they placed him on a ventilator for life support. When they went to vent him they had issues because of all the surgery in his mouth and he went about 5 minutes without oxygen. Tests ended up showing he had minimal brain activity and the his parents made the horrible decision to take him off life support.

Life without Steve has been the hardest thing I ever endured. I lost my love and our future together. To loose him after the surgery and all the pain he dealt with is heartbreaking.

I want to thank everyone for the support. I turned to this group in a time of devastation of a horrible diagnosis and I found comfort and knowledge. Steve would have wanted me to go on and live a fulfilled life he was robbed of and I will. I will remember all of your strengths during these dark days as I repair my life without him. Thank you - Danielle

Loving Caregiver for my boyfriend

3/14 SCC L tongue, partial glossectomy L tongue, rads L nodes
12/14 Recur Stage III
2/15 Front of tongue glossectomy, ND w/ free flap
4/15 begin 8 wks rads/3x chemo
4/20/15 Steve passed away